Frequently Asked Questions


How much will this cost me?
If you decide to proceed with developing your land you have two options. Either we can pay for all of the design and development work for the planning application as well as council application fees and any specialist reports that are needed and then when your property is sold we will be paid a fee for our services which will be agreed at the start of the project. Alternatively we will use our experience to provide you with precisely the services you require for your complete project for an agreed fee which will be paid by the client to an agreed schedule as work is completed.
How can you help me unlock the true value of my land?
Firstly, we will carry out a feasibility appraisal which includes an indicative valuation of the development to give you an idea of how much money you will make. Please contact us if want to get started. Our database of relevant information sources helps us with our initial evaluation, including relevant sales information and our understanding of the planning framework. This is essential to gain a clear understanding of the development potential of your land.
How we start?
Simply contact us or or call Steve on 0449 255488 and we will contact you to agree a time that is convenient for you for an obligation free consultation. We will explain our services and evaluate your land so that we can start to put things in place to prepare your free feasibility study if you decide to proceed with our services.
How much control will I have over what is built on my land?
We pride ourselves on forming a partnership with you and you will be consulted and involved with every stage of the process. As a safeguard you have the certainty of knowing that you must sign the development application form that goes to the local council. If you aren’t happy you aren’t going to sign!
How long does the whole process take?
From your initial inquiry, through all the planning and selling cycle, we usually allow 18 months although the precise time will vary depending on the project, it could be longer or shorter.
Will I be kept informed of the planning application?
Absolutely, we will keep you informed with regular project updates that will be at least monthly and more frequently if the project demands it. Whilst the development process is complex with a large number of consultants and consultees you will have us as your central contact which avoids you having to waste time chasing different individuals and organisations.
Am I guaranteed a profit?
Nobody can guarantee that your project will be a cast iron success. Our skill and experience combined with a conservative outlook ensures that risk is minimised and we identify all of the issues that may otherwise strike the unwary. Our confidence in any project is shown by our willingness to risk our time and money on the designs, reports and council application. Our fee relies on the project being successful so it is in our interest to make sure everything has been done to ensure a successful project.